Michael Onions 


There were (at least) two people by the name of Michael Onions in the parish of Madeley in the eighteenth century, one of whom was John Fletcher's earliest convert, and the other, born in the parish of Dawley (which bordered Madeley on the north), about whom Mary Fletcher wrote in the Arminian Magazine in 1785. It is that latter Mr Onions with which this biography is concerned. More information will be entered here in due course, but a transcript of Mrs Fletcher's account of the conversion and death of Michael Onions in the AM may be found here.

References: Mary Fletcher, 'A Short Account of the Death of Michael Onions', Arminian Magazine 8 (1785), 522-25; Dawley Parish Records, SRO; 'Account of Michael Onions', MARC: MAM Fl. 11/5.

Article contributed by David R. Wilson
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