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The Library

Both Mary Bosanquet Fletcher and John Fletcher wrote works that were published in their lifetimes. Many of John Fletcher's writings were later (as early as 1795) gathered and published as a set of his 'works'. Mary Bosanquet Fletcher, prior to her marriage, published several works, but they were never collected into a set of 'works', nor were they republished after the eighteenth century, making them quite rare and difficult to find. This page provides a comprehensive list of the works of both of the Fletchers and when possible, provides links to online versions. Most of Mary Fletcher's works are available on the the Eighteenth Century Collections Online, which is a subscribers only service. Rather than providing permanent links to each work in that database, a reference to ECCO will follow references that can be found there. Two online sources have become particularly useful over the last few years regarding Fletcher studies. Google Books  has by far the most online texts related to the Fletchers. Archive.org is another source that is continually growing and offers a number of Fletcher-related works not available on Google Books.

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